Some lucky person will be receiving this song from the brand new (and cooler) CD Exchange group.
Friday, September 23, 2011
CD 2.0 1.0
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Student From Hell
Since the beginning of January and right up until the end of the school year, I had to tutor an 8th grader who had been suspended for fighting. At first, everything went along swimmingly. Around March, it all went south. I initially wrote a very strong letter to the school district expressing my displeasure at how the student's grades were determined and the lack of assistance I received. After discussing it with my job, it was decided that sending the letter was not necessary as my paperwork would suffice to show how poor a performance this student turned in. I altered the letter into a memo, taking out most references to how the district is run by idiots and morons. I thought I'd share the resulting memo with you. I have [redacted] the student's name as well as locations.
This note is about [redacted] and the grades that were attributed to her for the second half of the 2010-2011 school year.
I was first assigned to teach [redacted]back on January 10th. We had 12 sessions for the month of January, of which she attended 10. The first two weeks of tutoring were spent on busy work as I did not receive curriculum materials until later in the month, so tutoring truly started on January 24th. At the close of that week, I filled out the paperwork, assigning grades for January based on the five days of work with curriculum materials. I subsequently found out that this grade, based solely on that final week, had been assigned as [redacted] entire second marking period grade. To wit, a single two-hour tutoring session per subject was used to give her a grade for two-and-a-half months of schooling. Despite the fact that she was in school during the second marking period for the months of November and December, none of the work she completed there was used in the computation of her grade.
The same issue around grading arose in the third marking period. We had 10 tutoring sessions in the month of February, of which [redacted] attended 8. At the beginning of March, [redacted] and her family moved into [redacted]. (She was previously living in [redacted], and was being bused to the [redacted] Library.) Once this move took place, [redacted] was no longer bused to the library. This started a pattern of only a 50% attendance rate. There were 18 tutoring sessions in March, of which [redacted] only attended 9. However, I discovered that [redacted] third marking period grades were taken solely from the grades on February’s sheets, discounting all of March and a small part of April. This means that her third marking period grade was determined by only four hours of tutoring per subject. Given that [redacted] had a 40% absentee rate for the third marking period, my official grades for the third marking period would have been much lower, if not failing.
Overall, this means that [redacted] grades for the second and third marking period, a total of five months of school, have been based on only six hours of work per subject.
This pattern of only attending 50% of the sessions continued into the fourth marking period. Of the 13 tutoring sessions in April, [redacted] attended 7. Of the 15 tutoring sessions in May, [redacted] attended 7. In June, [redacted] attended 2 of 8 sessions. Most times, I would receive a text message either moments before or after the session began stating that she would not be coming for tutoring. Other times, I would hear nothing.
At one point in May, [redacted] started to ask that I come to the house to tutor her. I agreed a few times. Then it quickly reached the point where she told me that she wanted to call me every day to inform me whether we would meet at the library or at her house and what time we would meet at. At that point, I had the district office call the parent, as this uncertainty of where and when tutoring was to take place on a daily basis was now a situation I could no longer work with. I was told that the result of the phone call was that [reacted] would meet me at the library from now on. Subsequent to this phone call, which was made on May 17th, [redacted] only came to 4 of the final 14 sessions.
In addition to her absences, [redacted] also would only be present for 1 of the 2 hours of tutoring. As an example of this, if our session was scheduled for 1:30pm, instead of taking the 12:17pm bus from her apartment to be at the library on time, [redacted] would take the 1:17pm bus, arriving at the library around 2:00pm. Then, instead of taking a bus home after the session ended at 3:30pm, she would take the 3:15pm bus home, leaving the library at 3:00pm to make the bus. Therefore, she would arrive a ½ hour late to each session and leave a ½ hour early. This pattern commenced in March and continued to the conclusion of tutoring. In short, since March 1st, [redacted] has only received a little over 20 hours of instruction, roughly 2 ½ weeks of tutoring. She has missed 33 days of instruction, or 8 weeks of tutoring.
To conclude, based on her attendance and work completed, [redacted]did not pass any of her subjects for the second half of the school year 2010-2011.
[redacted] Absentee Dates: 1/13; 1/24; 2/4; 2/11; 3/2; 3/4; 3/5; 3/10; 3/15; 3/18; 3/23; 3/24; 3/31; 4/7; 4/13; 4/14; 4/15; 4/28; 4/29; 5/6; 5/10; 5/13; 5/19; 5/20; 5/24; 5/25; 5/31; 6/1; 6/2; 6/3; 6/8; 6/10; 6/13
Saturday, May 28, 2011
April/May Movies
Oof. Two jobs have been kicking me around. 7 days a week of 10-14 hour days totally depleted me. Still, time was found to watch some films the past two months......
Man Without a Cell Phone (C): A Palestinian slacker gets his political voice as he joins his father in fighting against the local cell tower. A cute, but extremely slight comedy.
The Density of Lesser Animals (B-): A Ghanaian action film? Guess so. The action was passable, but far too many slow stretches extolling the beauties of Ghana and why it's far preferable to stay there then go the U.S. Hey, I'm all for visiting Ghana, I just don't need 10 minutes commercials in the middle of my movie.
Paul (A-): Simon Pegg and Nick Frosts' third film parodying film genres loses a little bite from their first two, due to the less manic direction of Greg Mottola, but it still kept me laughing for nearly the entire time. Seth Rogen hasn't gotten tired for me yet, so his antics as the alien suited me just fine.
Born to Be Wild 3D (B-): Baby monkeys, baby elephants and Morgan Freeman. Pretty much what you expect.
The Human Resources Manager (B): The titular man is forced to go to Romania to bury a co-worker to help his company save face. Minor amusement ensues. Enjoyable enough, but forgettable later.
Before the Fall (B): A young boy is sent to one of Hitler's elite schools to train as a boxer, until he discovers that maybe he's being trained for something else. Cliched, but I like Max Riemelt.
Scream 4 (C+): Good killer reveal, horrible 90 minutes before it took place. Sorry sequel.
Hanna (B+): This one I liked. Good story, nice turns by the stars, didn't feel the need to explain everything. Plus, the world needs more killer children.
I Heart Huckabees (D): Billed as an existential comedy, the question I had was : Why am I watching this crap?
Citizen Ruth (A-): The funniest abortion comedy I've ever seen. Alexander Payne has not disappointed me yet. Looking very forward to "The Descendants" later this year.
Hey Boo! Harper Lee and To Kill a Mockingbird (B-): A perfectly serviceable documentary about a book I've not read, nor a movie I've seen.
How to Live Forever (B-): A perfectly serviceable documentary about people discussing why some of us might live to be seriously old, which I'm not near yet.
Fast and Furious (C): A reasonably serviceable 105 minute set up for the 5th film. What happened in this film? Were there cars?
The First Grader (C): A man in his 80's wants to go to school in Nigeria to learn how to read and write. I was all set to love this film, but the sheer animosity shown him by nearly all the other characters in the film really threw me off. He can't have been hated that badly.
Buck (B-): A documentary about the man who served as an consultant on "The Horse Whisperer". I guess he's good with horses. Me. I live in Southern NY, not a lot of horses.
Midnight in Paris (B+): Finally, Woody Allen directs an enjoyable film after a string of misses. A writer in Paris ditches his fiancee to visit the giants of yesteryear. Good storyline, good jokes. That's all I need from a Woody Allen film. And it keeps me up to date with seeing all he's directed.
The Wonderful World of Tupperware (B): A rather boring documentary about how Tupperware is created suddenly transforms halfway thorough into a filmed record of an annual Tupperware bacchanalia, replete with Anita Bryant and white robed Tupperware officials conducting a ritual. I'm throwing out all my remaining bowls before I'm told to commit suicide by the company.
(There might be typos in this. I'm working 10 hour days every day of the week. I was up at 4am today. I don't have a day off until mid June. Forgive me.)
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
March Movies
Time for some more personal thoughts. This time, all the films I saw in March!
A Visitor From the Living (A) and The Karski Report (A): Two documentaries from Claude Lanzmann that are offshoots from his Holocaust documentary Shoah. Living concerns Maurice Rossel's visit to the Theresienstadt camp while Karski deals with Jan Karski's story of reporting the atrocities to the U.S. Government. Both stories are absolutely riveting.
3 Backyards (B-): Three separate slice of life dramas set in Long Island one summer afternoon. Only Edie Falco's story really works, and since the stories never intersect, that means you have a nice 30 minute story in a 90 minute film.
Potiche (C+): Francois Ozon's new film never finds the story it wants to tell. It's a comedy, it's a drama, it's a feminist parable, the left, the right. There's a good film to be found in the story of a trophy wife taking over the family business, but the tone veers so wildly throughout, the film never settles down.
White Irish Drinkers (B+): A perfectly acceptable coming-of-age film set in NY in the 1970's. Every character and situation comes straight from cliche central, but new to me Nick Thurston and the other actors bring their A game, so the film passes by pleasantly.
Limitless (B): A little pill opens up the sections of your mind that you don't normally use. Too bad the screenwriter didn't take one; the ending would have been better. Bradly Cooper has charm and Robert DeNiro is having a good time, which makes the film go down easily; but as stated, the ending just doesn't feel right to me after what came before.
Rango (B+): It looks like other companies are finally catching up to Pixar. A fun and enjoyable romp, with quirky characters and enough humor for adults to keep the proceedings enjoyable. Johnny Depp has great line readings, and while the plot may be a little stale, you'll still walk out smiling.
Source Code (B): A soldier has the last 8 minutes of someone else's like to find the bomber of a train. How does it work? No clue, even the movie admits it's preposterous. The type of film you watch, enjoy, then forget about the next day.
Illegal (B): A social justice film about the plight of illegal immigrants in Belgium. The lead actress does a good job, which helps, but there are still a lot of questions left at the end. Still, I believe the film is looking more to expose injustice then tell a coherent story.
The Panels of São Vicente de Fora: A Poetic Vision (C-): Manoel De Oliveira's short about a character from a painting explaining the painting. Exactly. Still, it has Ricardo Trepa in it.
Sergeant Slaughter, My Big Brother (D): I have absolutely no idea what this short was about. Two brothers fight, then one goes somewhere and the other gets chased for some reason. I'm glad it was only 10 minutes.
Barry Lyndon (B): Great first half, middling second half. I'm not sure the film is the masterpiece others say it is, but it didn't deserve to be the failure it was. The trouble is the two halves of the film are so distinct from each other, they don't quite mesh into one.
Spartacus (B+): A grand, old-fashioned Roman epic. Loads of fun to watch, especially Peter Ustinov. I was a little surprised that Spartacus himself barely figures into the final hour of the film, that took me away from it a bit.
Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures (B): Best for the numerous pictures of Kubrick at work and some interesting facts. Otherwise, it's a basic "He was so fantastic and everyone loved him" type of documentary.
Color Me Kubrick (D): God, this was bad. Apparently Kubrick had someone who pretended to be him and swindled some people in 1990's Britain. This is not a good version of the story. The film is just boring, more concerned with fitting in as many callbacks to Kubrick films as possible than in telling a story.
New Directors/New Films
One (D): Continuing the theme of crappy shorts, this one is about a young Afghan girl who walks around and collects items in a metal box she carries on her back. If there was anything more to the film, I missed it.
Winter Vacation (C+): A Chinese film about some youths and adults in a rural Chinese town whiling the time away before winter vacation ends. The humor is meant to be deadpan, and some of it does work; but 90 minutes of the same style over and over just did not work for me here.
Tyrannosaur (B-): A horrible, violent man meets a woman abused by her husband. There is hope in the story, but the consistent downbeat tone before that comes leaves the film feeling like a slog to get through.
Catherine Breillat
Sleeping Beauty (B): Breillat's take on the classic fairy tale starts off intriguingly then flies off the rails at the end. A young girl is put to sleep for 100 years, but does she spend this time living with a family in the woods? What is real, what isn't? All good questions to ponder, until she wakes up? and the film morphs into a feminist parable for the last 15 minutes that makes no sense.
Anatomy of Hell (F): This might be the most horrifying film I've ever sat through. If I had any last shreds of heterosexuality in me, this film grabbed them by the roots and tore them out of me. The nominal plot involves a woman who pays a gay man to watch her for 4 days doing "stuff". The "stuff" is forever seared into my brain and makes me cry on occasion.
A Real Young Girl (C): Not learning my lesson, I watched Breillat's first film, which essentially involves a 14 year girl inserting various objects into her ahem..."lady parts" in extreme closeup for 90 minutes. Fingers, utensils, even a bottle of suntan lotion gets to join the party. Of course, this all takes place when the film is not showing closeups of her expelling liquid waste or having pieces of an earthworm placed down there. There might have been some mild semblence of a plot, but I was too busy contemplating what SPF she was using.
Friday, March 25, 2011
This is a short video about the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire. It features an interview with Rose Freedman, the final survivor of the fire. It was conducted when she was 107, shortly before her death in 2001.
Monday, March 21, 2011
New Who
Here, for your viewing enjoyment, are the Doctor Who shorts from Britain's Red Nose Day this year.
Part 1: Space
Part 2: Time
Friday, March 18, 2011
Movie Check:
What famous movie did this song appear in? Try to answer without using a search engine.
My Sister is on TV!
My sister sent me this link to a video she appeared in. Yes, it's a news story about a horrific crime, but it was still nice to see her. She pops in at the 1:40 mark pushing a stroller.
If the video doesn't work, this is the direct link:
Guess That Grave #3
One more from the first batch of pictures I took. This person was very famous in her time, but now has somewhat faded into obscurity.
*as always, click to embiggen*
And also as always, your clues.
1. Most of the time, she knew what you did for a living.
2. She spoke for The Great White Way.
3. Oh no! Did she know too much about who killed JFK?
Friday, March 4, 2011
Guess That Grave #2 Redux
ETA: And Michelle M. gets it correct!
I forgot I still had this picture sitting in my files. I thought I'd try it again as the original posting was three days before Christmas, perhaps not the best time for it.
3 Clues:
1. Frances was his wife.
2. An American flag is usually found by his grave. (Such as is in the picture)
3. He was a dandy.
N.B. The picture can be clicked on to embiggen.
Monday, February 28, 2011
How I Did
Out of 24 categories, I managed to predict 16 correct for a total of 67%.
If I had gone with my possible spoilers in 7 of the 8 incorrect categories, I would have scored 23/24.
The only category I completely flamed out on was Best Live Action Short. Didn't see God of Love taking it. Happy it did so, but I thought it was too cutesy to actually win.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Oscar Predictions
Normally my goal is simply to get more predictions correct than not, but I have a bad feeling about this year for some reason. A few hours will tell though. I'll list my pick followed by a possible spoiler.
Performance by an actor in a leading role
Javier Bardem in “Biutiful” (Roadside Attractions)
Jeff Bridges in “True Grit” (Paramount)
Jesse Eisenberg in “The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing)
Colin Firth in “The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company)
James Franco in “127 Hours” (Fox Searchlight)
My Pick: Colin Firth. He was supposed to win last year, but didn't for that horrid "A Single Man". Whether or not the award is deserved for this performance is besides the point, the voters will give it to him.
Spoiler: James Franco
Performance by an actor in a supporting role
Christian Bale in “The Fighter” (Paramount)
John Hawkes in “Winter's Bone” (Roadside Attractions)
Jeremy Renner in “The Town” (Warner Bros.)
Mark Ruffalo in “The Kids Are All Right” (Focus Features)
Geoffrey Rush in “The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company)
My Pick: Christian Bale. Finally, his years of gaining and losing weight for roles will pay off. He was fine in "The Fighter", though personally I'd like to see John Hawkes win.
Spoiler: Geoffrey Rush
Performance by an actress in a leading role
Annette Bening in “The Kids Are All Right” (Focus Features)
Nicole Kidman in “Rabbit Hole” (Lionsgate)
Jennifer Lawrence in “Winter's Bone” (Roadside Attractions)
Natalie Portman in “Black Swan” (Fox Searchlight)
Michelle Williams in “Blue Valentine” (The Weinstein Company)
My Pick: Natalie Portman. I've always liked Natalie Portman. Not just for the fact I have a friend who claims she's his cousin to see how gullible people are. I do feel sorry for Annette Bening, who keeps running up against juggernauts whenever she's nominated. I just don't think her performance has the traction necessary to get the win.
Spoiler: Annette Bening
Performance by an actress in a supporting role
Amy Adams in “The Fighter” (Paramount)
Helena Bonham Carter in “The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company)
Melissa Leo in “The Fighter” (Paramount)
Hailee Steinfeld in “True Grit” (Paramount)
Jacki Weaver in “Animal Kingdom” (Sony Pictures Classics)
My Pick: Melissa Leo. Here's a category that can go one of two ways. Melissa Leo seemed to have the win locked up, then released a campaign that people really took offense to. Now, there's a strong possibility that Hallie Steinfeld will win. I still think Melissa Leo will take it though. she's been nominated before, and I just can't see enough people not voting for her simply because of a fool move.
Spoiler: Hallie Steinfeld
Best animated feature film of the year
“How to Train Your Dragon” (Paramount) Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois
“The Illusionist” (Sony Pictures Classics) Sylvain Chomet
“Toy Story 3” (Walt Disney) Lee Unkrich
My Pick: Toy Story 3. It's also up for Best Picture. If it doesn't win, expect Mickey to go on a murderous rampage.
Spoiler: How to Train Your Dragon. It's a well done film, but will only win if certain signs of the apocalypse line up.
Achievement in art direction
“Alice in Wonderland” (Walt Disney)
Robert Stromberg
Karen O'Hara
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part
1” (Warner Bros.)
Stuart Craig
Stephenie McMillan
“Inception” (Warner Bros.)
Guy Hendrix Dyas
Larry Dias and Doug Mowat
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company)
Eve Stewart
Judy Farr
“True Grit” (Paramount)
Jess Gonchor
Nancy Haigh
My Pick: The King's Speech. There's something about royalty that attracts Oscar voters. True Grit was outside too much; who remembers the sets for Inception and HP&TDH1 was mostly set in a tent.
Spoiler: Alice in Wonderland. Tim Burton's visuals can never be counted out.
Achievement in cinematography
“Black Swan” (Fox Searchlight) Matthew Libatique
“Inception” (Warner Bros.) Wally Pfister
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Danny Cohen
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing) Jeff Cronenweth
“True Grit” (Paramount) Roger Deakins
My Pick: True Grit. Roger Deakins is the Susan Lucci of this category. This might be his year to finally take it. Something about Westerns....
Spoiler: Inception. It won the guild's award, but that guild might not be big enough of a bloc in the Academy to make a difference.
Achievement in costume design
“Alice in Wonderland” (Walt Disney) Colleen Atwood
“I Am Love” (Magnolia Pictures) Antonella Cannarozzi
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Jenny Beavan
“The Tempest” (Miramax) Sandy Powell
“True Grit” (Paramount) Mary Zophres
My Pick: The King's Speech. Royalty wins often in this category. Royalty or over the top. Which means the only other winner might be...
Spoiler: Alice in Wonderland
Achievement in directing
“Black Swan” (Fox Searchlight) Darren Aronofsky
“The Fighter” (Paramount) David O. Russell
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Tom Hooper
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing) David Fincher
“True Grit” (Paramount) Joel Coen and Ethan Coen
My Pick: David Fincher. I don't think many people can even name who directed The King's Speech. The Social Network was a great film, thanks in large part to David Fincher. He's been around for a while and always seems to make decent films, this might be the way to congratulate him since The Social Network won't win Best Picture.
Spoiler: Tom Hooper
Best documentary feature
“Exit through the Gift Shop” (Producers
Distribution Agency)
A Paranoid Pictures Production
Banksy and Jaimie D'Cruz
A Gasland Production
Josh Fox and Trish Adlesic
“Inside Job” (Sony Pictures Classics)
A Representational Pictures Production
Charles Ferguson and Audrey Marrs
“Restrepo” (National Geographic Entertainment)
An Outpost Films Production
Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger
“Waste Land” (Arthouse Films)
An Almega Projects Production
Lucy Walker and Angus Aynsley
My Pick: Inside Job. This is a three horse race. Waste Land and Gasland are out. Restrepo is a good film, but it doesn't seem to have the support. Exit Through the Gift Shop I didn't think was all that great, and most of it's support seems to be of the 'let's see what Bansky does if he wins' type. I'm not sure if that's enough for people to actually vote for him. So I believe it will go to Inside Job, about the banking implosion.
Spoiler: Exit Through the Gift Shop.
Best documentary short subject
“Killing in the Name”
A Moxie Firecracker Films Production
Nominees to be determined
“Poster Girl”
A Portrayal Films Production
Nominees to be determined
“Strangers No More”
A Simon & Goodman Picture Company Production
Karen Goodman and Kirk Simon
“Sun Come Up”
A Sun Come Up Production
Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger
“The Warriors of Qiugang”
A Thomas Lennon Films Production
Ruby Yang and Thomas Lennon
My Pick: Strangers No More. This is another three film race. The topicality of suicide bombers of Killing in the Name? The topicality of the Iraq war of Poster Girl? both possibly, but Strangers No More is about children of all different backgrounds (mostly refugees) attending a school in Tel Aviv and watching them succeed. I think kids will triumph over the slightly more depressing material of the other two.
Spoiler: Poster Girl
Achievement in film editing
“Black Swan” (Fox Searchlight) Andrew Weisblum
“The Fighter” (Paramount) Pamela Martin
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Tariq Anwar
“127 Hours” (Fox Searchlight) Jon Harris
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing) Angus Wall and Kirk Baxter
My Pick: The Social Network. The King's Speech can't win everything. The editing in The Social Network was fantastic, as it kept from from getting too lost in the time jumping narrative.
Spoiler: The King's Speech
Best foreign language film of the year
“Biutiful” (Roadside Attractions)
A Menage Atroz, Mod Producciones and Ikiru Films
“Dogtooth” (Kino International)
A Boo Production
“In a Better World” (Sony Pictures Classics)
A Zentropa Production
“Incendies” (Sony Pictures Classics)
A Micro-Scope Production
“Outside the Law (Hors-la-loi)” (Cohen Media Group)
A Tassili Films Production
My Pick: In A Better World. Susanne Bier has been nominated almost every time she directs a film and has also won previously. Biutiful was far too boring to win. Incendies and Outside the Law I've never even heard of. I think Dogtooth might just be a little too strange to win.
Spoiler: Dogtooth.
Achievement in makeup
“Barney's Version” (Sony Pictures Classics) Adrien Morot
“The Way Back” (Newmarket Films in association with
Wrekin Hill Entertainment and Image Entertainment)
Edouard F. Henriques, Gregory Funk and Yolanda
“The Wolfman” (Universal) Rick Baker and Dave Elsey
My Pick: The Wolfman. In this category, the winner is usually the one with the most makeup. Wolfman wins. Wolfman's got nards.
Spoiler: The Way Back
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original score)
“How to Train Your Dragon” (Paramount) John Powell
“Inception” (Warner Bros.) Hans Zimmer
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Alexandre Desplat
“127 Hours” (Fox Searchlight) A.R. Rahman
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing) Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross
My Pick: The King's Speech. Alexandre Desplat has been doing wonderful work for a while now without an Oscar to show for it. A pleasant traditional score will probably win out over Trent Reznor's more avant-garde score.
Spoiler: The Social Network
Achievement in music written for motion pictures (Original song)
“Coming Home” from “Country Strong”
(Sony Pictures Releasing (Screen Gems))
Music and Lyric by Tom Douglas, Troy Verges and
Hillary Lindsey
“I See the Light” from “Tangled”
(Walt Disney)
Music by Alan Menken
Lyric by Glenn Slater
“If I Rise” from “127 Hours”
(Fox Searchlight)
Music by A.R. Rahman
Lyric by Dido and Rollo Armstrong
“We Belong Together” from “Toy Story 3”
(Walt Disney)
Music and Lyric by Randy Newman
My Pick: I See the Light from Tangled. Who knows? This category has gone from nominating reasonably popular songs to songs no one remembers. It's a total crapshoot, especially with three former winners in the category. I'm going with Alan Menken since he was always beloved and this sort of marks his comeback.
Spoiler: We Belong Together.
Best motion picture of the year
“Black Swan” (Fox Searchlight)
A Protozoa and Phoenix Pictures Production
Mike Medavoy, Brian Oliver and Scott Franklin,
“The Fighter” (Paramount)
A Relativity Media Production
David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman and Mark
Wahlberg, Producers
“Inception” (Warner Bros.)
A Warner Bros. UK Services Production
Emma Thomas and Christopher Nolan, Producers
“The Kids Are All Right” (Focus Features)
An Antidote Films, Mandalay Vision and Gilbert
Films Production
Gary Gilbert, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte and Celine Rattray,
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company)
A See-Saw Films and Bedlam Production
Iain Canning, Emile Sherman and Gareth Unwin,
“127 Hours” (Fox Searchlight)
An Hours Production
Christian Colson, Danny Boyle and John Smithson,
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing)
A Columbia Pictures Production
Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca and
Ceán Chaffin, Producers
“Toy Story 3” (Walt Disney)
A Pixar Production
Darla K. Anderson, Producer
“True Grit” (Paramount)
A Paramount Pictures Production
Scott Rudin, Ethan Coen and Joel Coen, Producers
“Winter's Bone” (Roadside Attractions)
A Winter's Bone Production
Anne Rosellini and Alix Madigan-Yorkin, Producers
My Pick: The King's Speech. The Social Network won all the critic's awards, but The King's Speech won all of the guild awards; and they are the one that vote on the Oscars.
Spoiler: The Social Network
Best animated short film
“Day & Night” (Walt Disney)
A Pixar Animation Studios Production
Teddy Newton
“The Gruffalo”
A Magic Light Pictures Production
Jakob Schuh and Max Lang
“Let's Pollute”
A Geefwee Boedoe Production
Geefwee Boedoe
“The Lost Thing” (Nick Batzias for Madman Entertainment)
A Passion Pictures Australia Production
Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann
“Madagascar, carnet de voyage (Madagascar, a Journey
A Sacrebleu Production
My Pick: The Gruffalo. It's the longest and has movie stars in it. Sometimes that's all it takes to win this category. Wasn't my favorite, but oh well.
Spoiler: The Lost Thing. (A lot of people are suggesting Madagascar since the animation is beautiful in it. True, but there was no story and it was a boring 11 minutes).
Best live action short film
“The Confession” (National Film and Television School)
A National Film and Television School Production
Tanel Toom
“The Crush” (Network Ireland Television)
A Purdy Pictures Production
Michael Creagh
“God of Love”
A Luke Matheny Production
Luke Matheny
“Na Wewe” (Premium Films)
A CUT! Production
Ivan Goldschmidt
“Wish 143”
A Swing and Shift Films/Union Pictures Production
Ian Barnes and Samantha Waite
My Pick: Wish 143. The Confession and The Crush both went way over the top. God of Love was cute but slight. Some people are saying Na Wewe, but usually the one that stands out the most from the others tends to be the winner and that was Wish 143 this time around.
Spoiler: Na Wewe
Achievement in sound editing
“Inception” (Warner Bros.) Richard King
“Toy Story 3” (Walt Disney) Tom Myers and Michael Silvers
“Tron: Legacy” (Walt Disney) Gwendolyn Yates Whittle and Addison Teague
“True Grit” (Paramount) Skip Lievsay and Craig Berkey
“Unstoppable” (20th Century Fox) Mark P. Stoeckinger
My Pick: Inception. Finally, it can win something. The sound awards tend to go to the big action films. Inception was the biggest.
Spoiler: Unstoppable.
Achievement in sound mixing
“Inception” (Warner Bros.) Lora Hirschberg, Gary A. Rizzo and Ed Novick
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Paul Hamblin, Martin Jensen and John Midgley
“Salt” (Sony Pictures Releasing) Jeffrey J. Haboush, Greg P. Russell, Scott Millan and
William Sarokin
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing) Ren Klyce, David Parker, Michael Semanick and Mark
“True Grit” (Paramount) Skip Lievsay, Craig Berkey, Greg Orloff and
Peter F. Kurland
My Choice: Incpetion. If people voted for it in the other category, they;ll do sao here.
Spoiler: The King's Speech. Speech is about sound, after all.
Achievement in visual effects
“Alice in Wonderland” (Walt Disney) Ken Ralston, David Schaub, Carey Villegas and Sean
“Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1” (Warner
Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz and
Nicolas Aithadi
“Hereafter” (Warner Bros.) Michael Owens, Bryan Grill, Stephan Trojanski and
Joe Farrell
“Inception” (Warner Bros.) Paul Franklin, Chris Corbould, Andrew Lockley and
Peter Bebb
“Iron Man 2” (Paramount and Marvel Entertainment,
Distributed by Paramount)
Janek Sirrs, Ben Snow, Ged Wright and Daniel Sudick
My Pick: Inception. Cities don't fold in on themselves alone. Happy Potter will probably win next year as a reward for making it through all 8 films.
Spoiler: Alice in Wonderland
Adapted screenplay
“127 Hours” (Fox Searchlight) Screenplay by Danny Boyle & Simon Beaufoy
“The Social Network” (Sony Pictures Releasing) Screenplay by Aaron Sorkin
“Toy Story 3” (Walt Disney) Screenplay by Michael Arndt Story
by John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton and Lee
“True Grit” (Paramount) Written for the screen by Joel Coen & Ethan Coen
“Winter's Bone” (Roadside Attractions) Adapted for the screen by Debra Granik & Anne
My Pick: The Social Network. About as strong a lock as possible. Great screenplay.
Spoiler: Winter's Bone
Original screenplay
“Another Year” (Sony Pictures Classics) Written by Mike Leigh
“The Fighter” (Paramount) Screenplay by Scott Silver and Paul Tamasy & Eric
Story by Keith Dorrington & Paul Tamasy & Eric
“Inception” (Warner Bros.) Written by Christopher Nolan
“The Kids Are All Right” (Focus Features) Written by Lisa Cholodenko & Stuart Blumberg
“The King's Speech” (The Weinstein Company) Screenplay by David Seidler
My Pick: The King's Speech. It can't be easy writing all those stuttering syllables into a screenplay.
Spoiler: The Kids Are All Right
And there we are. I'll update tomorrow with how I did based on my original predictions and on both my predictions and spoilers combined.
Do My Eyes Deceive Me?
It looks as if my favorite Serbian tennis player has made it into the final round for the third time in his career. I'd hope he can pull out his first win, but I don't want to jinx anything. Fingers crossed, though.
Friday, February 25, 2011
My Ballot
ETA: Well, the other voters agreed with me on 5 of the categories and disagreed with me on 7 of the categories. Maybe next year I'll have more influence.
Now that the deadline for voting has passed, I can reveal my choices for this year's Independent Spirit Award categories. Last year, it seemed that most of the other voters didn't agree with me, let's hope this year is different. For I only speak the truth!
Best Picture
127 Hours
Black Swan
The Kids Are All Right
Winter's Bone
My choice: I went with Winter's Bone. I found it to be the most well-rounded of the films and the only one that really kept me guessing as to where it was going. Though any of these films are a worthy choice, except Greenberg. Greenberg sucked.
Best Director
Darren Aronofsky – Black Swan
Danny Boyle – 127 Hours
Lisa Cholodenko – The Kids Are All Right
Debra Granik – Winter's Bone
John Cameron Mitchell – Rabbit Hole
My choice: Debra Granik. To the victor go the spoils. I'm one of those who believe that if you have the best picture, then you also have the best director.
Best Actor (Best Male Lead)
Ronald Bronstein – Daddy Longlegs
Aaron Eckhart – Rabbit Hole
James Franco – 127 Hours
John C. Reilly – Cyrus
Ben Stiller – Greenberg
My choice: James Franco. An incredible performance given the limited mobility of the character. He really made you feel the arrogance and the vulnerability of the character all in 90 minutes.
Best Actress (Best Female Lead)
Annette Bening – The Kids Are All Right
Greta Gerwig – Greenberg
Nicole Kidman – Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence – Winter's Bone
Natalie Portman – Black Swan
Michelle Williams – Blue Valentine
My choice: Jennifer Lawrence (seeing a theme?). I found this to be the most well rounded of all the performances. I don't think she'll win this year, but she will soon.
Best Supporting Actor (Best Supporting Male)
John Hawkes – Winter's Bone
Samuel L. Jackson – Mother and Child
Bill Murray – Get Low
John Ortiz – Jack Goes Boating
Mark Ruffalo – The Kids Are All Right
My choice: John Hawkes. You never knew if his character was going to help out or pull a gun and shoot. I was afraid watching him. That's good acting.
Best Supporting Actress (Best Supporting Female)
Ashley Bell – The Last Exorcism
Dale Dickey – Winter's Bone
Allison Janney – Life During Wartime
Daphne Rubin-Vega – Jack Goes Boating
Naomi Watts – Mother and Child
My choice: Dale Dickey. She played a mean backwoods mother. The type of person you don't want to cross. I don't want to meet her in a dark alley. Just as scary as John Hawkes.
Best Screenplay
The Kids Are All Right – Lisa Cholodenko and Stuart Blumberg
Life During Wartime – Todd Solondz
Please Give – Nicole Holofcener
Rabbit Hole – David Lindsay-Abaire
Winter's Bone – Debra Granik and Anne Rosellini
My choice: Winter's Bone. What else? It was #5 on my top ten of the year. I liked The Kids Are All Right, but the screenplay was a little too jokey for me.
Best First Screenplay
Jack Goes Boating – Robert Glaudini
Lovely, Still – Nik Fackler
Monogamy – Dana Adam Shapiro and Evan Wiener
Obselidia – Diane Bell
Tiny Furniture – Lena Dunham
My choice: Tiny Furniture. A cute little indie. Nothing too amazing to write home about, but a lot of promise in it.
Best First Feature
Everything Strange and New
Get Low
The Last Exorcism
Night Catches Us
Tiny Furniture
My choice: Get Low. A nice offbeat comedy about an older man who wants to hold his own wake before he dies. Robert Duvall and Bill Murray keep the proceedings enjoyable.
Best Cinematography
Black Swan – Matthew Libatique
Greenberg – Harris Savides
Never Let Me Go – Adam Kimmel
Tiny Furniture – Jody Lee Lipse
Winter's Bone – Michael McDonough
My choice: Michael McDonough. What? You thought I've give up on my Winter's Bone streak now?
Best Foreign Film
The King's Speech – Tom Hooper • UK
Kisses – Lance Daly • Ireland
Mademoiselle Chambon – Stéphane Brizé • France
Of Gods and Men (Des hommes et des dieux) – Xavier Beauvois • Morocco/France
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (Lung Bunmi Raluek Chat) – Apichatpong Weerasethakul • Thailand
My choice: Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives. This will most likely be on my top ten list for 2011. A lyrical and utterly strange movie that just floats on by as you get into its rhythms. Weerasethakul's films are an acquired taste, but if you acquire it then you are rewarded.
What about The King's Speech? While it will probably win the Oscar, I found the film to have a few too many slow patches for my taste. It's good, yes, but it's not amazing.
Best Documentary
Exit Through the Gift Shop – Banksy
Marwencol – Jeff Malmberg
Restrepo – Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger
Sweetgrass – Lucien Castaing-Taylor
Thunder Soul – Mark Landsman
My choice: Restrepo. I did not find Gift Shop to be a great film. Too boring. Restrepo, while a little repetitious at times, did what a documentary should do. Show me an aspect of life I'm not to aware of and make me care about it.
And there we go. Let's see how I match up to the actual winners this year.
Top Ten of 2010: #5 - #1

Ahead of Time is a documentary about a woman almost no one can name today, but who everyone should know. Ruth Gruber was the youngest person in the world to receive a PhD. She worked as a journalist, alerting America to the dangers of Nazism from inside Germany, was the first foreign correspondent allowed to fly through Siberia, and was present at the birth of Israel, a witness to the Exodus incident. During WWII, she worked for the interior department as the liaison between the U.S. and 1000 Jewish refugees brought over from Italy; the only Jewish people the U.S. actively sheltered during the war. She was right at the forefront of most of the important developments of the world from 1930-1950. Her story is outstanding and she's still going strong today at 99. Ahead of Time is a stunning time capsule of those events told firsthand by Ms. Gruber. Watch it as soon as you can.
February Movies
Once again, a roundup of all the films I saw in a month. Not reviews, per se, just a sentence or two about my general feelings about the films. This time: February!
Won Ton Ton: The Dog Who Saved Hollywood (D+): I watched this movie for all the cameos from old time Hollywood stars it has. Thank God for those cameos, because this was once of the worst films I've seen in a while. Every joke fell flat. A total slog.
True Love (C): A short collection of films about love. Some were crap. Some were mildly enjoyable. All are forgettable.
Restrepo (B+): A interesting documentary following a year in the life of an Army troop at a remote outpost in Afghanistan. Tense and thrilling most of the time. It does suffer from a slight case of "the sames" after a while. "The sames" being that you've seen it and heard it before. Doesn't make it bad, just that it isn't totally fresh.
Film Geek (D+): A movie nerd finds love. Or at least I think he does. The movie conceit kept coming and going throughout the film as the need dictated. Otherwise you were left with a unlikable main character essentially stalking a woman. Fun.
Cold Weather (B+): I'm not the biggest fan of mumblecore, but this movie had just enough jokes going for it to keep me entertained. The grade would be higher, but the director decided to make the ending about one thing when it should have been about another. You'll have to rent it to see what I mean, and it's definitely worth a rental when it's out in a few months.
Biutiful (C-): Javier Bardem does deserve his nomination, but besides that, Biutiful is watching a man die very slowly for 2h20m. And you feel every minute of it. It doesn't help that the film essentially tells two parallel stories that should interact at some point but never do.
Strapped (B-): A hustler tries to find his way out of an apartment building, but keeps running into various residents who prevent him from doing so. At the end, the hustler learns something about himself. The interactions with the residents aren't anything surprising and I'm not exactly sure what the hustler learns; but he was attractive and I'm human, so that's good enough for a B- in my book.
Even The Rain (B): A Spanish film about a film crew trying a film a Columbus movie in Bolivia while the 2000 water riots are going on. A little heavy-handed at times, but filled with good performances and an important message. And who doesn't love Gael Garcia Bernal?
The Wolfman (C): I saw this for its Oscar nomination. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, but perhaps that was because I saw the extended version which put back in some explanatory scenes. Still, it was all pretty rote. And it took over half the film to get to the first Wolfman transformation.
The 2010 Oscar Nominated Animated Short Films (B-): I'm not going to get into a discussion of each film individually here. Just that this year it was an underwhelming lot.
The 2010 Oscar Nominated Live Action Short Films (B-): Repeat the above.
The 2010 Oscar Nominated Short Documentary Films (A-): This was more like it. Usually, this category is a three hour depression fest, and while the topics this year aren't cheery, each film ended on an uplifting note. This gives the viewer a peek into an aspect of life on Earth they might not know about and not leave them wanting to forget about it, as the more downbeat documentaries have done in the past. A tough category to call this year.
Toast (B+): A fun little BBC telefilm about about the childhood of British chef Nigel Slater. Nothing too Earthshaking here, it was all predictable and pleasant. Helena Bonham Carter was a hoot and the food made me hungry.
The Eagle (C): I saw this solely for Channing Tatum and Jamie Bell. Something about having to go rescue a Eagle standard from evil blue painted people in Scotland. Needed less emoting and more wrestling.
Stanley Kubrick's Boxes (C): I've decided to finish watching all the Stanley Kubrick films I've missed. Started off with this British documentary about what was contained in the 1000 or so boxes Kubrick left on his property after he died. The answer is: nothing special. Photographs and other assorted research that one would associate being done with any film. Only two things of note: 1. Four minutes of behind the scenes footage of Kubrick on the set of Full Metal Jacket. 2. A fan letter that Kubrick labeled as being written by a 'crank' read by that person years later and their current thoughts about it.
Stanley Kubrick Documentaries: No grade here. They were all very basic docs. The type you'd find playing before any movie in the 1950's.
Fear and Desire (C): Everyone has to start somewhere. While there are some flashes of promise in Kubrick's first feature, it really isn't all that great. A war film told mostly in voiceover about how war is bad. Checked off.
Killer's Kiss (B+): Kubrick's second feature is a tight (67 minutes) film noir featuring the good guy, the femme fatale and her brute of a boyfriend. Plays out exactly as you'd expect it to. A good final fight and some fantastic views of 1950's NY make this one to catch.
Full Metal Jacket (B): I didn't find this to be the masterpiece that some others claim it is. The training camp scenes are fun, the Vietnam scenes are done well, but I just didn't see a point to everything. you have a 45 minute film followed by a 65 minute film, neither of which seem to have anything to really say. Still, it's not boring by any means.
And there you go. What have you seen of these? Which ones do you want to rush out and see? How right or wrong am I?
Top Ten of 2010: #10 - #6
#10. The Ghost Writer

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Top Ten of 2010: Honorable Mentions
Now is the time for all things movies. We'll start off with my top ten films of 2010. Follow that up with how I filled out my ballot for the 2010 Spirit Awards then wrap up with my Oscar predictions.
2010 only had 21 films receive a grade of A- or better from me. 13 got the A- exactly. 6 received an A and only 3 an A+. A few other films I saw at the NYFF also received an A level grade, but as they won't be released into theatres sometime this year, they'll probably show up on my list this time next year. So let's get to it.

This was a short film I saw in front of a screening of the American version of Jacques Tati's My Uncle. Tatitude is supposed to be an homage to Tati's first film: M. Hulot's Holiday. What it is, is six minutes of my life that was sucked from me. The short is a random collection of images from Tati's film with other random stuff superimposed on it. That's all. There's no rhyme or reason to it. When you check your watch a couple of times during a six minute movie, you know it's bad.
Samson and Delilah

I can probably name a couple of songs by The Doors, but I've never been a super fan of the group. That is why I responded so well to Tom DeCillo's documentary about them, and primarily Jim Morrison. Everything in the documentary was new to me and gave me an entirely new appreciation for the group. Concert footage and behind the scenes footage (including some pristine images from movies that Jim Morrison) kept me riveted to the screen. I'm sure (as many reviews pointed out), that for the fan, there is little here that isn't already known, but if you're unfamiliar with the history of the group, this movie will get you ready to run out and by all their CD's.

Friday, February 11, 2011
Mini Golf Memories
I remember playing this mini golf course about 20 years ago on a family trip to Colorado. The only difference here, is that I scored a hole-in-one on this hole.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
CD Exchange #8
Here's one of the songs that a lucky recipient will receive on their upcoming CD. From the happy section, of course.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
January Movies
I always take January as my time to catch up on all the movies I feel like seeing. TV is pretty much on hiatus until February, and the weather stinks, so it's the perfect time to watch as much as possible. Here's a rundown of what I caught the past 31 days. All films have their respective link to their IMDB page in the sidebar. These aren't reviews so much as brief personal assessments.
The Fighter (B+): My Aunt's niece plays Mark Wahlberg's daughter in this films, which I was all gung-ho to see, until I realized she only had 3 minutes of screentime. The film itself is decent, but very predictable and slow in parts. Oscar for Christian Bale though. And Melissa Leo.
Family Guy: It's A Trap (A-): Great conclusion to their Star Wars trilogy. Jokes that work, references that are funny. Easy way to pass an hour. Might not hold up on repeated viewings, but who watches those more than once?
Boys Life 7 (D+): A collection of some number of gay themed shorts. They all sucked.
The Illusionist (B): A lovely little homage to Jacques Tati, that starts off in a vein of wistful humor then quickly turns depressing. I don't require a happy ending in my films, but when it became obvious where this one was heading, a little levity would have been appreciated.
True Grit (A-): A fine entry into the Coen Brothers oeuvre. The film was paced well, it was funny and suspenseful and the script had some great turns of phrase. Didn't love the coda, but it didn't detract from the rest of the film.
I Love You Phillip Morris (B-): Raunchy and hilarious in parts, slow and boring in others. This would have been a better film if Ewan McGregor had been given a character to play. As written, Phillip Morris has almost nothing to do.
The Take (B): A British crime drama miniseries with Tom Hardy. Pretty average stuff, nothing surprising or truly interesting, it's all been done before and better.
I Knew It Was You: Rediscovering John Cazale (C): A short documentary celebrating the career of 70's character actor John Cazale. It comes off as a DVD extra, everyone loved him, he never did anything wrong, he was perfect in all his roles, every famous actor he ever worked with learned so much from him. Repetitive.
All Good Things (B-): A dramatization of the Robert Durst case, this film suffers from wallowing in the weird twists of the case instead of its characters. nice to see Kirsten Dunst again, though.
Dream Boy (C): An adaptation of the Jim Grimsley novel. Too slow paced and the lead character is difficult to identify with. Makes for a slog of a film.
The Exterminating Angel (A-): Luis Bunuel's satire on religion (one of many) where Mexican nobility find themselves unable to leave a room. Starts to drag slightly, and waits until the very end to make its point, but still a fantastic film.
Simon of the Desert (B-): Luis Bunuel's satire on religion (one of many) where a man stands on a pillar in sacrifice for God and is tempted by the Devil. Enjoyable, but too short (45 min) to make much of an impact.
Viridiana (B): Luis Bunuel's satire on religion (one of many) and the aristocracy where a nun visits her uncle in the countryside and sets up a shelter for the town's poor. Winner of the Plame D'Or, I thought once the movie made its point, it kept on making its point over and over.
Somewhere (C): Sofia Coppola's study of the ennui of a Hollywood actor. Ennui is the feel one gets watching this plotless and ultimately pointless film.
Blue Valentine (B): A study of a couple and how their marriage disintegrates. I'm not as in love with the film as others are. I found it to drag at points and be almost too downbeat for entertainment. Again, I don't need happy, peppy in a film, but I need something to latch onto. Two hours of depressing material tends to put one out of an enjoyment zone.
Exit Through the Gift Shop (B): An interesting take on the street art phenomenon. Better in the first half as the film follows a number of different artists. boring in the second half when Bansky takes over.
Open House (C): A person is held hostage in their house while two psychopaths take over and start killing. Been there, seen it.
I Am Love (B+): An Italian film about Tilda Swinton's affair with a cook. The film isn't as epic as it thinks it is, but the food in the film made me hungry.
The Way Back (C+): Prisoners escape from a Russian gulag and make their way on foot to India. It feels like we're with them every...single...step of the way.
Making the Boys (B): A nice look at the cultural touchstone that was The Boys in the Band. Loses focus a couple of times, but places the film in perspective.
Lake Tahoe (A-): A young man's car breaks down and he tries to find the replacement part needed for it. On his search, he comes across a number of slightly strange individuals. From the director of Duck Season (another fine film), this is a great, low-key and very funny 80 minutes.
Gasland (C-): One of this years Oscar nominated documentaries, it's all about hydraulic fracturing and how it's bad. Trouble is, the director delivers mushy-mouthed narration that is grating to the ears, an endless litany of the same problems over and over, graphics that are hard to follow since they fly by so quickly and a finale that ignores any idea of a possible solution and instead dumps the issue back to the viewer. It won't win.