Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I've Done Stuff! The Cold

So the past few weeks have been both busy and frustrating for me. It started with a cold I caught about a month ago that turned into a cough I'm still trying to get rid of. It's that type of cold where you just kind of sit and stare straight ahead with no ambition to do anything. Many a night I sat before a blank page for a new post and just had no thoughts running through my mind. Then I'd realize I was looking at the computer screen for 20 minutes and go eat some cookies. Copious amounts of Dayquil, Tylenol and doctor recommended xithmyergkfovklin also added to the empty feeling. Hopefully the cough is gone in another day or two, then I'll be back good to rights.


Michelle M. said...

What kind of cookies?
Sorry to hear you are under the weather.

Polt said...

The cookies'll help more than the meds, over the counter OR prescibed! :)


FDot said...

My mom makes Chocolate Chip Cookies, so I just gorge on those.